Date Found: March 5, 2003
Location Found: Norfolk, VA
Estimated Age: 14-21 Years Old
On March 5, 2003 an unidentified male estimated to be 14 to 21 years old was found floating in the Elizabeth River near Harbor Park in Norfolk, VA. It's estimated he had been deceased about 7 days prior to being found. He was fully clothed wearing a black shirt with sailboat illustrations, blue jeans with a brown leather belt and buckle with a horse, plaid boxers, socks, and Brahma brand work boots. No scars or tattoos were identified. The remains represent an Asian male, with possible Caucasian racial admixture. Other ethnic groups such as Hispanic or Mexican, cannot be excluded. The facial reconstruction was created by a NCMEC Forensic Artist and depicts what the male may have looked like in life accompanied by digital reconstructions of some personal items located on the male.

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Norfolk Police Department (Virginia) 1-757-441-5610 or (Office of the Chief Medical Examiner of Virginia 1-757-683-8366)
NCMEC: 1200754