Date Found: November 13, 2000
Location Found: Chelsea, MA
Estimated Age: 17-25 Years Old
On November 13, 2000 an unidentified female was found deceased in a parking lot on Crest Ave in Chelsea, Massachusetts. She had been deceased for approximately 24 hours. The victim is described to be a medium to light skin black female with possible admixture of Asian, Cape Verdean, or Indian. She was 17-25 years old at the time of death, stood 5’02” to 5’05” tall and weighed around 100-130 pounds. She is described as petite with good muscle tone. The female had short black hair with a reddish tint. No obvious tattoos, scars or identifying marks were observed on her body. The female did have purple polish on her toenails. She had been treated by a dentist in life as several fillings were observed in her teeth. She also had a slight overbite that might have been noticeable to others. Massachusetts State Police have identified and arrested a suspect in this female’s homicide. The suspect stated that the victim was involved in sex trafficking at the time of her death, claimed she identified herself as “Lisa”, and was from Philadelphia, PA. Images above are a facial reconstruction created by a NCMEC Forensic Artist that depicts what the female may have looked like in life.

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Massachusetts State Police (505)820-2121 or Suffolk County State Police Detective Unit (617)727-8817
NCMEC: 1184605