Missing Since: December 23, 1974
Fort Worth, TX
Age Now: 67 Years Old
Mary's photo is shown age-progressed to 63 years. She was last seen in the company of Julie Moseley and Lisa Wilson. Julie's photo is shown age-progressed to 56 years and Lisa's photo is shown age-progressed to 61 years. They were last seen at the Seminary South Shopping Center on December 23, 1974. Mary has a chipped upper front tooth and a small scar on her chin. She may also be known as Rachel, or she may go by the last name Arnold. Julie has a scar under her left eye, a scar on her forehead, and a scar on her calf.
Age Now: 59 Years Old
Age Now: 64 Years Old
Fort Worth Police Department (Texas) 1-817-335-4222
NCMEC: 601926