Desaparecido desde: 23 de diciembre de 1974
Fort Worth, TX
Edad actual: 59 años de edad
Julie's photo is shown age-progressed to 56 years. She was last seen in the company of Mary Trlica and Lisa Wilson. Mary's photo is shown age progressed to 63 years and Lisa's photo is shown age-progressed to 61 years. They were last seen at the Seminary South Shopping Center on December 23, 1974. Julie has a small scar under her left eye, a scar in the middle of her forehead, and a scar on her calf. Mary has a chipped upper front tooth and a small scar on her chin. She may also be known as Mary Rachel Arnold. Lisa has a scar on her thigh.
Edad actual: 67 años de edad
Edad actual: 64 años de edad
Fort Worth Police Department (Texas) - 1-817-335-4222
NCMEC: 815024