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No identificado

Unknown Dixon Doe 2013

NCIC# U950028762 , NamUs# 11725

Fecha encontrado: 26 de octubre de 2013

Donde encontrado : Dixon, MO

Edad estimada: 8-13 años de edad

A skull of a young child was recovered in Pulaski County, Missouri on October 26, 2013. The skull was found in a wooded area approximately 30 feet off Highway 28 in Dixon. It is unknown how long the skull had been at that location but it is estimated that the child had been deceased at least one year before being found. An anthropologist examined the skull and estimates that the child was 8-13 years old. Sex could not be determined. The lower jaw was not recovered with the skull but an exam of the upper teeth did not find any evidence of dental fillings or orthodontic work. The anthropologist noted the child was likely of Mestizo ancestry which is an admixture of Native American, Hispanic, Latino and Mexican. The above images are a facial reconstruction completed by a NCMEC Forensic Artist that depicts what the child may have looked like in life. The artist used the skull to create two images of the child. One that depicts the child as a female and the other as a male. Since the lower jaw was not recovered the jaw is the artist’s interpretation and only an approximation.

Fotos adicionales

Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office (Missouri) 1-573-774-7948

NCMEC: 1224904