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No identificado

Jane Miami Doe1981

NCIC# U156045629 , NamUs# 7963

Fecha encontrado: 3 de febrero de 1981

Donde encontrado : Miami, FL

Edad estimada: 12-18 años de edad


An unidentified female was found deceased in Miami, Florida on February 3, 1981. She was found along an access road into a Japanese Garden on Watson Island. She had only been deceased for a few hours before being found. The female is described to be 12-18 years old. She stood 5’02” tall and weighed around 90 pounds. She had medium length black hair that was partially dyed blonde. The female had several small scars on the left side of her neck and a gap in between her two front teeth that might have been noticeable to others. The image shown is a facial reconstruction completed by a Forensic Artist with the Miami Dade Police Department and depicts what the female may have looked like in life.

Miami Police Department 1-(305)579-6111

NCMEC: 1208434