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Jane Bullhead city Doe 1989

NCIC# U364869190 , NamUs# 11087

Fecha encontrado: 15 de mayo de 1989

Donde encontrado : Bullhead City, AZ

Edad estimada: 17-19 años de edad


On May 15, 1989, a construction crew located skeletal remains buried in a vacant lot located on Castleberry Lane in Bullhead City, Arizona. Authorities believed the decedent could have died as early as 1979. The decedent is believed to be a white female between 17 and 19 years of age. She had dark to medium brown hair, up to 12 inches in length. It is noted that some of the hairs exhibit bleaching. The Jane Doe had extensive dental work. Two of her upper teeth were missing prior to her death and had been replaced by a partial denture plate. One earring was located with the decedent and is described as a multicolored owl. The featured reconstruction is an artist’s rendering of what the Jane Doe may have looked like.

Bullhead City Police Department (Arizona) 1-928-763-9200 or Mohave County Medical Examiner’s Office (Arizona) 1-928-505-5888

NCMEC: 1184576