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No identificado

John Rockaway Beach Doe 1992

NCIC# Not entered , NamUs# 8335

Fecha encontrado: 5 de enero de 1992

Donde encontrado : Rockaway Beach, NY

Edad estimada: 15-25 años de edad


An unidentified black male was found along the shore at Rockaway Beach in Queens, New York on January 5, 1992. His body was found in the water approximately 50 feet off the boardwalk at Beach 32nd Street. He had been deceased for about one day before he was found. The male is estimated to be 15-25 years old, stood 5’8” tall and weighed around 141 pounds. He had short dark brown curly hair, a sparse mustache and chin beard. No clothing or jewelry was recovered with him. The male had seen a dentist in life as he had some crowns on at least three of his teeth. The image above is a facial reconstruction completed by a NCMEC Forensic Artist and depicts what the male may have looked like in life.

New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner [Case # Q92-00115] 1-212-447-2770

NCMEC: 1184320