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No identificado

John Bronx Doe 1991

NCIC# U637495395 , NamUs# 7877

Fecha encontrado: 31 de agosto de 1991

Donde encontrado : Bronx, NY

Edad estimada: 17-25 años de edad


An unidentified male was found on August 31, 1991 near the intersection of Castle Hill Rd. and Zerega Ave. in Bronx, New York. The male had only been deceased a few hours before being found. He is estimated to be 17-25 years old. He stood 5’8” tall and weighed approximately 155 pounds. He had short buzzed black hair and a thin mustache. He had a small scar on the back of both his right and left hands along with several small scars on both knees. The male had seen a dentist in life as one filling was observed. The male was found with a ring depicting Adam and Eve under an apple tree and a necklace with an Asian medallion. The image above is a facial reconstruction completed by a NCMEC Forensic Artist and depicts what the male may have looked like in life.

New York City Office of Chief Medical Examiner [Case #B91-03734] 1-212-447-2770

NCMEC: 1184314