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No identificado

Jane Toledo Doe 1987

NCIC# U448521459 , NamUs# 4778

Fecha encontrado: 16 de junio de 1987

Donde encontrado : Toledo, OH

Edad estimada: 16-21 años de edad


An unidentified female was found on June 16, 1987 in Toledo, Ohio. Her body was found in an alley behind an auto repair shop on Collingwood Blvd which is close to Interstate 75. She had been deceased for several days before being found. The female is 16-21 years old. She was slender, standing approximately 5’04”-5’07” tall and weighing around 110 pounds. She had short light brown to dark blonde hair with a reddish tint. Her toenails were polished pink and she had 5 piercings in each ear, wearing small round pearl earrings. The female received minimal or poor dental care based on evidence of decay. Four molars had been extracted earlier in life. Evidence has also suggested that she might have abused drugs in life. The image above is a clay model reconstruction completed by an artist with the Michigan State Police and depicts what the female may have looked like in life.

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Toledo Police Department (419)245-3340 or Lucas County Coroner’s Office (419)213-3900

NCMEC: 1115306